
New Plant Groundbreaking Ceremony at Eco Business Park V, Puncak Alam


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New Plant Groundbreaking Ceremony at Eco Business Park V, Puncak Alam

On 8th October 2022, EB Group held a Groundbreaking Ceremony at Eco Business Park V (EBP V) to set up its first plant in the central region, Selangor.

Guests of honour for the event were YDP of Majlis Perbandaran Kuala Selangor, Rahilah Binti Rahmat and representative of CEO of MIDA, Mdm Manjit Kaur Balkar Singh, Director of Food Technology and Resource Based Industries Division, Group Managing Director of World Trade Centre Kuala Lumpur, Dato’ Sri Dr. Haji Irmohizam Ibrahim, whilst Eco World Development Group Berhad (EcoWorld) was represented by Ms Ho Kwee Hong, Divisional General Manager.

With the 20 acres of land acquired, the new plant in EBP V will include food production, warehouses, R&D innovation centre, offices, carparks, and hostels.

The new plant’s location is strategic and convenient to access within ports, city centres and markets from Northern, Central to Southern Malaysia, which is also a cost-competitive advantage. The plant is projected to be completed in 2024.

With the new plant and our 27 years of manufacturing experience, we believe consumers will have confidence in our brands and propel us to excel continuously in the industry.

We Made It! The World Halal Best brands e-Branding Award 2021 by the BrandLaureate


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We Made It! The World Halal Best brands e-Branding Award 2021 by the BrandLaureate.

Our 2021 starts with wonderful news! Guess what? EB Frozen Food has just received the first award at the beginning of the year! We are eternally grateful for receiving The BrandLaureate World Halal Best brands e-Branding Award 2021.

This award is not only a recognition of our brand. We also deemed it as an encouragement that inspires us to strive for creating more innovative products.

We sincerely thank every one of you for your constant support and love towards our brand. By accepting and receiving this award, we will ensure that the deeds of our future are only good and efficient. We shall continue to do our best to bring delicious yet healthy products to delight your daily meal.
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Strive to be a Better a Brand


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Strive to be a Better a Brand

It is not easy to manage a business and find a solution that caters to the latest market trends. It requires perseverance and analysis to reach the consumers and enhance the company brand recognition itself.

EB Frozen Food has successfully earned another trophy and honorary awarded as Top Brand Halal Frozen Food by Influential Brands. It is an encouragement for us to continue moving forward and to create more milestones in the near future. Thank you to our beloved business partner and our fellow customer for trusting us and for your continuous support. We will keep on being innovative and provide products and services that bring ease to everyone’s daily life.
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The Fruit of Devotion: Superbrands Award


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The Fruit of Devotion: Superbrands Award

Nominated in an award is uneasy, winning it is even harder. The process of selecting the most outstanding brands out of many to be qualified for the “Superbrands” status is extremely rigorous as the brand’s position and its accomplishment will strengthen consumers’ assurance.

In 2020, EB Frozen Food Sdn Bhd has been awarded the “Superbrands” status! It is a recognition of our achievements and we can’t be any prouder that this! While we are overwhelmed with excitement, we would like to thank every one of you for showing unconditional supports and confidence in our brand.

The award makes us reflect more on our business. All of the circumstances we have encountered and the perpetual devotion of every party has been fruitful. As we are now crowning with the status of “Superbrands”, we are responsible to strive for the best in any cases. EB is sparing no effort to produce even more innovative products in the future. We just can’t wait to show you what we’ve got!

The Greatest Blessing: Corporate Excellence Awards 2020


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The Greatest Blessing: Corporate Excellence Awards 2020

Receiving exciting gifts throughout the pandemic is one of the greatest blessings. And, guess what?

EB Frozen Food Sdn Bhd has been awarded the 2020 Corporate Excellence Awards in the Asia Pacific Enterprise Awards (APEA)! It is an honour towards corporates and business leaders who have shown unprecedented performance and tenacity in developing successful businesses, whilst not neglecting the social responsibilities that come with leadership. As always, we must express our gratitude towards our fellow customers, business partners and the EB’s family for showing continuous support along the way! As we achieved this together, everything that comes after seems possible!

We will keep our flames burning, provide excellent products and services while inspiring others to take responsibility in making the society great again. It was never out of the blue, because we definitely know where our efforts will bring us to. By doing what we are always good at, the name “EB” has been able to take a place in every heart.

Rest assured, this is not an ending, but we’re just started.

Established New Plant “Everbest Biotech Sdn Bhd’’


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Established New Plant “Everbest Biotech Sdn Bhd’’

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Ground Breaking Ceremony of Everbest Biotech Sdn. Bhd.

With great pleasure to witness the ground breaking ceremony for Everbest Biotech Sdn. Bhd’s new investment in Phase 4, Kulim Hi-Tech Park. We invest in Kulim Hi-Tech is a good example of local companies that are riding Malaysia’s growth, astoundingly with a sales achievement of RM200 million in 2018 and we projected to reach annual turnover of RM10 Billion by year 2025.

As a global for nutritional products continues to expand, we are making the right decision to seiz the growing opportunities in Kedah. We are excited that upon completion of this project, Everbest will be the first biotechnology company in Kulim Hi-Tech Park.
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